Building shoulder mass

Building shoulder mass

Weaknesses of many athletes - underdeveloped rear deltoids, not very clear relief of three heads and other muscles. Do not worry, this article will tell you how to pump building shoulder mass! See below for details.

You've all heard the expression: substitute strong, shoulder to shoulder everything, and sometimes it seems that the whole world is on your shoulders. Shoulder area is an extremely important part of the general form of the body.

From any point of view of the deltoid and trapezius muscles are necessary not only for the harmonious and proportionate appearance, they also contribute to the implementation of the many features that, taken together, give results in other areas of the body. Building shoulder mass and trapezius muscles allow the body to look strong and harmonious.

Steroids cycles

steroids cycles
1) Cycle of steroids Danabol + boldenone.
Cycle of steroids Danabol + boldenone is a good start for a beginner. All beginners and advanced athletes need to bring into the cycle of steroids to combine both oral and injectable steroids. Thanks a bunch you amplify the actions of these steroids, which eventually will give a good set of muscle mass and strength.


Methandrostenolone (also known under the names: Dianabol, Danabol Nerobol, Naposim, DBOL, Dianabol,
 smaller brands - Anabolin, Bionabol, Degidrometiltestosteron, Metastenol, Novabol, Perabol, Perbolin, Stenolon, Anaboral, Vanabol and many others) - used inside the anabolic steroid was originally synthesized by Dr. John Ziegler and released in the U.S. in the early 60's of the last century by Ciba. Originally Metandrostenolon used to speed up the recovery and treatment of burns and even the overall improvement in women, and soon became widespread in bodybuilding as a way to increase muscle mass, so long as it is not banned Bodybuilding Federation nevertheless Metandrostenolon hitherto available without regulations in countries such as Mexico (trade name Reforvit-b), in many Asian countries and in Eastern Europe (Moldova - Balkan Pharmaceuticals; Romania - Terapia; Poland - Jelfa ;). In Russia methandrostenolone sold as Nerobol.

Where to buy anabolic steroids

Where to buy anabolic steroids

Sports pharmacology and pharmacology healthy person - this is a relatively new area of medicine, the main task of which is to increase the body's ability to withstand high loads inherent in professional sports. It is no secret that almost all of the athletes involved in major international competitions, use anabolic steroids. This is not surprising, since modern anabolic steroids can achieve high results due to significantly improve the ability of the organism to portability of large loads and rapid recovery of the resources. In addition, in the opinion of many athletes, without the use of anabolic steroids is not possible to create a quality landscape and a beautiful body.

Anabolic steroids

Anabolic steroids
Anabolic steroids

Anabolic steroids - it's pharmacological agents that mimic the action of male sex hormone - testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. Anabolic steroids accelerate protein synthesis within the cell, which leads to pronounced muscle hypertrophy (in general, this process is called anabolism), whereby they are widely used in body building. The action of anabolic steroids is conventionally divided into two areas: Anabolic activity and androgenic activity. The word "anabolic" comes from the Greek "anabolein", which translates to "step up", the word "androgenic" comes from the words "andros" and "genein", which translates as "to make a man."